
Let's find YOUR Zen...

Operations Management 

You’re Spending Too Much Time Managing Operations

You are the one who makes everything behind the scenes happen. 

The YouTube video you just filmed needs to be edited and you are the one who sends it off. 

You have team members to help with creating and scheduling the social media campaigns, but you have to make sure it gets done.

Most of the client onboarding tasks fall to you.

You are collecting the metrics each month and then analyzing what those numbers say.

All of these things take time. And sure, you have a team that helps you with each of the processes. But overseeing everything to make sure it’s getting done takes time away from you being able to do what you love in your business.

I can review and manage your key systems including (but not limited to) Customer Service, Billing, Communication, Back-ups, Marketing, Follow-up and Delivery, and create or refine the processes, tools, and players for these systems.

Once defined, I will facilitate implementation of automated business tools & software to manage various systems. 

Do you have a Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) Guide? No? I will create one for you, to ensure no one is reinventing the wheel and one high, streamlined standard is understood by everyone.

Team Management

Managing Your Team Is Consuming Your Time

Your team is great! They do what you ask. They get things to you on time. Everyone gets along. What more could a business owner ask for?

Time. Time to create that next product or content.

Having a team is vital to scaling your business. After all, you can’t do everything on your own and still have your business grow. This is something you realized a long time ago. Now you’ve found that you are spend ing the majority of your time managing everyone on your team and making sure they have the information and assets to do their job well, leaving you very little to no time at all to create new content for your customers and clients.

I can manage your team for you, ensuring that their needs are met and their questions are answered. If there are missing people, I will source, interview, and train the right person to ensure that all of your systems and processes run smoothly and work is done ON TIME. 

No more babysitting your team, no more interrupted streams of thought while you’re trying to strategize your next big move, and no more communication bottlenecks. I will ensure that your vision is implemented and executed precisely as you intended, and that everyone is having a good time and feels valued and heard while doing it.

Metrics & Automations

Tracking Metrics? What’s That?

It’s important to track metrics in your business so you can determine what’s working and what’s not working.

If you aren’t tracking metrics, everything you do is just a stab in the dark. Metrics can open up your eyes to the things that need improved in your business. Once you can see that the business isn’t doing well in an area, you can change what you are currently doing to see if it produces better results.

The idea of tracking metrics sounds great, and you know the importance of doing it. Again, though, it comes down to a matter of time. You don’t have time to figure out what you need to track and then to actually gather the information.

I can keep track of key statistics for the business on a weekly & monthly basis, and set up a reporting system that includes what to track.

Together, we will analyze your metrics and discuss trends and patterns to better strategize your consistent growth!

You Need Automation

Automation in your business is great… as long as you are using it.

It’s hard to keep up with technology. What once used to be a manual task can now be automated so it gets done without you thinking about it. 

All too often, figuring out those new automations and setting them up takes time that you don’t have. Paradoxically though, if things were more automated in your business, you would have more time to stay in your zone of genius and your team members would have more time to complete their tasks.

I love tech! Seriously… I’m a real nerd about all things systematization and automation. I can induce euphoria with a good Zapier and CRM integration, *giggle.*

Let me review your current processes, products, and players, and suggest ways to bring in software and apps to support a lean, efficient business engine that runs like a top and moves your most repetitive, time-consuming tasks from ‘To-Do’ to ‘Done.’

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